Friday, August 27, 2010

When you do something that seldom, it should better turn out to be delicious...

Following Mihai's example, this is what I have done today.
I'm not going to give you the full recipe, it's a secret. All I can tell you: I did it with love!
Pictures HERE :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dog Project

 Not too much for a 26 year old, but it's not as easy as it looks like either.  A few days ago, made my first cartoon, and probably the last one as well. I just don't get much satisfaction out of it.
Can't complain about the lack of ideas, but I think I reached the point when I agree my kindergarten teacher, who so kindly told me I have no talent for drawing. 
Maybe I should take some singing classes instead.

Full story:

-FIN -

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

De ce?

Daca nu sti sa scri corect in limba romana, macar engleza sa o inveti!
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa-mi dau seama ca nu e o gluma atunci cand am vazut asta.

Poate au facut-o intentionat, ca sa atraga atentia de la "24 de zile". Observati cum vor sa sugereze de fapt "24 de ore"? Strategie de marketing!