Friday, December 12, 2008

Out of Order

Fell like taking a break. Last weekend was just too exhausting for me. Some people might just all me antisocial, but after 2 consecutive parties, with one new town and a museum between to visit(that was my last weekend, I could call it the sandwich weekend), have that feeling like I just want to stay home, drink tea and watch Hallmark channel with my mum.
First reason: read in my magazine that not sleeping at night is not good for my beautiful face (plus that my grandma confirmed it).
Second reason: my egocentrical side is telling me I'm spending too much time with the same people, and even if they are nice - or at least some of them, I really need a break. Maybe suffocated is the right word for it? No worries, I will soon be the same loving person as always :p.
Yes, I know watching Hallmark with my mum is impossible, I'm in Denmark now, too far away from home, still I've decided to spend a few quiet days... away from this crazy world, away from the people.. well, not that away after all, I mean I will still need to go shopping and to the gym.. :))
Recently (I think it was on Monday morning at work), came to the conclusion that one night of partying per week is enough for me.
But because this time I want to be a rebel and act copletely against any possible expectations from me - I guess I just like saying NO - this weekend there will be no party for me, no staying late any more. I'm only going to meet some AIESECers and interns, go iceskating and then to Tivoli - they made it all beautiful and white especially for Christmas.

Pic: me at the ice bar, a few weeks ago (don't remeber exactly when). Only spent an hour in there, not much to do, after having a drink and taking "facebook" pictures.
ABSOLUT ICEBAR COPENHAGEN (taken from their official website) is the first permanent bar of ice in Denmark located in the central area of Copenhagen. ABSOLUT ICEBAR COPENHAGEN is kept at minus 5 degrees all year round and everything inside is made out of crystal clear ice transported especially from the Torne River in Jukkasjarvi, 200km north of the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden. The walls, bar, tables, and even your own personal glass with a vodka cocktail is made out of the purest ice. ABSOLUT ICEBAR COPENHAGEN is operated in 45 minute time slots and you will be given a designer thermal cape with a hood and gloves to keep you warm during your visit. ABSOLUT ICEBAR COPENHAGEN is permanent and opened all year round. Every six months the whole interior is rebuilt with a completely new design theme.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Busy Days

By popular request, here's my newest post.

I always have problems recalling what I did the previous weekend. I guess this is a good thing, means I'm busy.

Preparing for the Microsoft Christmas Gala party (did all the shopping, couldn't find the red shiny hight healed shoes I was dreaming about, but still happy with what I have). Yessss... it's the season for the the Danish traditional Christmas parties (Julefrokost). Last time was to another one, less formal, typical Danish food, snaps, carols, then a lot of drinking and dancing.. and drinking again.. skol! By the way, amazing that all Danes complain about how bad the snaps is, but still drink it :)) They even have songs about it. No, I remember none (although wasn't drunk!!), I just have problems remembering things in Danish.

Unfortunately, will miss the AIESEC Julefrokost, which will be at the same time with the company one.

Also, preparing for a trip to Arhus, right the next day, early in the morning.. hope I'll be fresh and still shiny. If not, I'll have plenty of time to get more sleep in the train.

About 1st of December in Copenhagen - we had big plans - to meet as many Romanians as possible and celebrate the national day. We ended up spit in small groups, a bit frustrated for not being able to organize the evening better, but still happy we were out... and that we were ice-skating... and the hot cinnamon tea afterwards was delicious. I'm as bad at ice-skating as I am at any other sport, and of course, my stubbornness is also constant. So I'm not giving up! My knees are now green-yellow-blue - hope won't be too visible at the party this Friday. And if yes, who cares? :D

Soon I'll remember more about my past weekends, so that I can share them with you... (already looking at the facebook pictures - the ones where other people tagged me, don't have any of mine, because I'm too lazy to upload them - and making a list of things I did :D)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm lazy.. Autumn's here.
I've been vaccinated against flue, I'm eating all the right stuff, even take my vitamins, sleep about 8 hours a day.. but stopped running.. which is bad. Probably this is why I feel so lazy. I haven't got to the point when I can say I'm sick of myself, but I'm not too far from it either. So starting from tomorrow, I'll get a pass at that should be fun.
Here's darker and darker.. The sun rises completely at about 8 am and starts setting at around 16:30 pm.. but even this is hard to notice, usually the sky is too cloudy and gray to see where the sun is. During week I don't care a lot about this, I leave home when it's almost dark, and come back on dark, also. At the office time passes by very fast, I barely have time to look through the window. Sometimes, if it's clear, I get blinded by the sun, but I'm not complaining too much, I'm just happy that I can see it. About the darkness, I just like to think that the day is the same as before in length, only the night got longer, as a kind of bonus for me :)).. so now my day is 30 hours long. It's a bit harder in the weekends, when I can actually count the hours and see how little light I get. Usually at 5 pm I get very sleepy.
And I'm not complaining about the rain either. After all, it's only water, can't be that bad :p
What else? My picasa account is almost 100% full, so I will need to create a new one.. Will upload some pics as soon as I stop being lazy.

Monday, October 6, 2008



Walking around..

Tivoli Reloaded

Yet Another Late Update

- 2 weeks ago (or maybe 3?) I moved to my new room, somewhere in Copenhagen's suburbs, a nice small town called Lyngby.
- Despite of the rest of the inhabitants there, I don't own a car, 2 kids and a dog, and I live in a shared apartment, together with 3 Danish guys and a Polish one. All working people, very busy during week, sometimes I don't even notice I'm living with somebody else over there.
- I don’t have internet at home yet, but planning to get some soon. Probably this is why I’ve been so lazy and posted nothing lately.
I'm now 30 mins away from my work, and 20 mins (by train) away from city center. After bringing all my stuff, I realized I still need some shopping to do, so went to IKEA to buy a plant and a lamp.
- Moreover (but I'm still not sure whether this is a good or a bad thing), 3 mins from me there's a huuuuge mall called StorCenter, with lots of shops and places to eat out.. the ideal place where to "get lost" after a hard day of work. Also the perfect place where to spend a lot of money :)
- It's amazing how small things make me so happy: a few days ago, I managed to assemble some boxes that I use to keep my stuff in, following some simple instructions. Could it be becuse the boxes were pink? Also, going to laundry and understanding how the washing machines and dryers work there (there are complicated rules about detergent, coins, choosing the program..), without using a dictionary or asking someone, felt like winning the lottery, even though I was the one paying for the laundry..
- After a one week break, I'm now back to my old healthy habits: badminton and yoga once a week, plus running in the rest of the days. I just hope the weather will be nice enough for me to continue running in the park at evenings. It's already getting darker and darker, and the autumn rain is not as easy to put up with, like the summer one :(
- Tivoli closed 2 weeks ago. They will take a break until Halloween, so before closing they had the crazy week, with lots of discounts and free rides. Of course, I was there to take advantage of all of that, together with my new friend from Ukraine, Irina, also an AIESEC intern. I can now proudly state that I did most of the adults rides, including some that were for kids. We had lots of fun and pictures.
- Wine tasting event, organized by AIESEC. Tried 5 tasty red wines from northern and central Italy, cool atmosphere, and very nice presented.
- Seen Get Smart movie for the second time (I saw it a few months for the first time). The problem is that I couldn’t remember I’ve seen it before until I was at the cinema, and looked at some posters. Makes me wonder if I’m starting to have memory problems or if the movie was so common (entertaining, but still common), that it didn’t worth “storing” it, and simply “deleted” it?
- Also, seen Eagle Eye a week ago. The event was organized by the Club Sports and More from Microsoft. It was fun, but it’s now in the process of being deleted as well… :)
(pictures will come soon!!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cold Showers

I am happy to announce you my first major cultural shock.

There was another one before (the language one), but I kind of expected it from before, so wasn't such a big thing. OK, I admit I am kind of ironical about it. I'm not sure it is a real one. Lots of people warned me it will happen sooner or later (I meant the cultural shock). Maybe it's happening right now and I don't know? Am I in denial??

Some months before leaving to Denmark, I even went to a conference that was supposed to prepare me for the great eXchange experience, which is organized by AIESEC, about 2 times each year, and is called ICPS - Inter-Cultural Preparation Seminar- I think, but I'm not sure. That was really fun.
Anyway, there we had some sort of discussion about it, and how to overcome such problems. Now I'm not even sure I understand what a cultural shock is any more... or a shock, generally speaking. It might be because before coming here, I didn't have too many expectations whatsoever (neither positive, nor negative), so I just took everything as it was.. or still is. Or maybe because I chose an European country, instead of going to China or South-Africa.

To get to the point, I didn't have any hot water in my apartment for the last 36 hours. Which was bad. Surprisingly, It all began at the moment when I set my heating to maximum power. Of course, since I'm kind of slow and I don't know anything about plumbing (actually, most of the times I prefer to imagine that water and electricity come together with the wireless from a magic source directly from the walls, it's more simple this way) it took me some time to realize that there must be a connection between the two events. So this morning I was sharing my suspicions to some people while having breakfast at work. At one point, two of them - not Danish, but apparently living here for a longer time and already with some similar experiences, started laughing and explained to me that yes, they are indeed connected. So at one moment, I can have only one of them: either hot water in the shower, or heating in my room. I don't know if it's the same in all the apartments here, I'm curious to see how it's like in the place where I am going to move this weekend.

It's already been one month and a half since I'm here, I need a real cultural shock.
Who knows, maybe I'll have it when I'll be back home in Romania for Christmas? :)

Other non-related stuff:
- today I'm trying yoga for the first time, hope I'll like it
- need sleep
- tomorrow I'm moving my stuff to the new apartment
- will be spending the weekend shopping, or at least "faire du lèche-vitrines"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Copenhagen in a week-end - Random Ideas (retro-active)

- Art Museum: Reality Check exhibition, some really shocking things, others a bit absurd, but most of them an irritating authenticity, small pieces from people's life and history, strange labyrinths of messy offices, hospital rooms - and that's only a small part of it. Didn't have time for everything, must be back soon, until January, when it will all be ending.

- Also, the permanent exhibitions are cool: seen some Matisse and Renoirs, Dutch and German paintings, and lost of Danish works of art, including modern art, a temporary gallery of sculptures, and many more... but only a Picasso. They also have an open workshop for restoring old paintings - hmmmmmmm of course, that doesn't mean that public can contribute to restoring the paintings, but at least they can watch.
- Botanical Garden, tropical greenhouses - finally, found a good place where to spend the cold winter Sunday afternoons. The tropical greenhouse is sooo green and tropical... I mean warm :)
- pizza picnic in the king's Gardens
- the apples from King's Garden were delicious 
- hate cooking, hate my kitchen, hate my Italian roommate who's cooking daily (Paolo's actually a good boy, the only reason I hate him is because he can cook, and I can't :D)
- a front-view of the little mermaid this time - I've seen it before, but only her behind (yes, the little mermaid's but!!). Actually, the first night I was out here, in Copenhagen, I met someone who warned me about it. He advised me not to have very high expectations regarding the little mermaid. And that was good.. After all, she is called like this precisely because she's not very big. Nevertheless, she really has something special, attracting many tourists from all over the world. We could barely take any pictures of her, because of all the Japanese tourists there with their cameras.
- the "Walking Street", in the center of Copenhagen. Was my first time passing by, without spending any money. I usually can't help myself, and each time I have to buy small things. This time I only stared in the shops' windows for some boots, then we continued our way fast, there were too many things to show, in very short time.
- Amber shop: there is also an Amber Museum, but this time I was too shocked by the jewels' prices in the shop, so decided to go to the museum the next time I'll have the opportunity.
- discovered an orthodox church here in Copenhagen - it is true, it's a Russian one, but still I'm going to visit it one Sunday soon, even though I won't be understanding anything they say.
- the autumn's here, it's getting colder and colder, darker and darker, and the wind blows stronger already.
- the Rosenborg Castle - the place where they keep the crown jewels!
- Kastellet - an old fortress, surrounded by water, but now a peaceful place.
- the museum of the Danish Resistance - during WW2. Some authentic things from that period, most of them really impressive...
- except for the Russian church, also seen many others: Lutheran, Jewish, Anglican. Wish I could visit one each week.. that wouldn't be such an impossible plan anyway.
- walked around the lakes.. all 5 of them, I think, and I was pretty exhausted.. and I saw many swans..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Last Week - 10+1 Things about It

0.Tivoli is neither as huge, nor as expensive as I imagined.1.I'm sleepy
2.Seems that I have a second option to move to a student residence, instead of the rented room, but no matter what I choose, I will definitely be in a new place next month => needed to do some shopping, so I went to IKEA to buy lots of stuff for my new room (they are all pink and white)
3...still a lousy badminton player, but at least I'm both learning and having fun.
4.I love shopping :)
5.I'm sleepy.
6.Signed up for yoga classes at work, but didn't go this week, since I was too sleepy (did I tell you that?)
7.Today did 3 loops arond the lake, really proud of myself.
8.I got a bit over the ducks, now I'm more into the swans.9.I'm sleepy.

Friday, August 29, 2008

What if Architecture Can Change the World?

Free entrance at the Architecture Museum last Wednesday!
Was a bit disappointed at the beginning, just a 2-room museum, with lots of small building models and some screens to watch short movies.
I don't know exactly what made me be so disappointed. After all, I knew from the beginning I was going to an architecture museum, not a dinosaur exhibition combined with ice-cream factory tour, culminating with a roller coaster ride.:D
I guess I was already too tired from work, and needed something more entertaining...
Anyway, once I started reading things about the buildings and their purpose, I was pretty much captivated, so I stayed for more than an hour (I think), to watch most of the movies there (at least those in English), and to take pictures of the models.Actually, the exhibition's aim was to display ways in which Danish architecture can have an impact on the communities' sustainability.
Lots of original ideas and complex plans, some of them achieved, others under construction, others waiting for approval, implemented all over the world, serving as schools, malls, office buildings, bridges, etc, either adjusting to the landscape and/or local culture, either not, creating a very powerful and inspiring contrast.
.. also, was quite exciting for me to see in the presentations some of the buildings from Copenhagen I was already familiar with (e.g.: some buildings/streets from Frederiksberg).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Old Place vs. New One

Too lazy to write full sentences..
This is a short comparison between the 2 apartments.

And a self-explanatory map, just to make an idea of where I live/work/will live. :)

Who cares about the weather?

This is how the weather forecast looks like for today.. (click to enlarge)
Seems to me really incredible that at this time, back home in Romania is probably sunny and clear, with 35 degrees Celsius.Well, I still don't care too much. I'm just happy because I found a new apartment. Will be back with more details.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunny Sunday

Been to the beach today. The same train station from where I take my shuttle to work each morning: Skodsborg. Only that this time had more time to enjoy the sea.. and the sun, the jellyfish, the seaweeds, the rocks, the boats and so on.
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Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

The ONLY reason why I think I'm in the wrong country, is because I hate beer.
Copenhagen is the place where I get the most smiles on the street (from people that I don't know).
The best satisfactions I get is when I take the train in the wrong way and get to discover new places.
I like getting lost, I can pretend I'm a turist and ask people for help.
I love ducks!!
If I forget my umbrella home, the chances to have a sunny day get signifiantly higher.
Don't look throught the window before leaving home, the weather can change in like 10 minutes.
My favourite Danish word so far: NU (this means NOW). It's also one of my favourite Romanian words (means NO).

Picture: sunset seen from my room.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Run, Forest, Run!

So I kept my word and started running each evening lately.
And since I'm terribly lucky (I really mean it), I discovered a wonderful park right behing the building where I live, 2 minutes away.
It also has an artificial lake, with lots of ducks (duuucks!!!) :D
First day I was there, I got tired after running like 3 minutes and had to stop in terrible pains :p. Now I'm able to make half of the loop around the lake, and walk fast the other half, and I'm sure I'll improve even more soon.
I just hope the bad weather that will come in the autumn won't keep me away from continuing this.

Pic: some tree stuff I picked up from the park + some of my stuff...
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


- did a Canal Tour last weekend, was pretty funny to do it all by myself, sorrounded by other tourists 'armed' with cameras. Very noisy kids, but cute ones. Sat near a french family, their kids kept arguing about the boats and ships we were seeing: "Regarde, c'est mon bateau!", "C'est pas vrai, c'est le mien!".. And with such boats to see, I almost understand them. The good part is that their mum was very happy to take some pictures of me. And I was very grateful too, considering that I had no one with me to do that.

- got my Tivoli pass, hopefully will be using it next weekend!

- other plans for the weekend: outdoor cinema and National Museum ( fresh pictures will come soon)

- need to start running, I'm scared of getting fat here!! I m having my breakfast and lunch at Microsoft, plenty of things to choose from, but I'm not sure I always choose the healthy stuff to eat...

- today will see a new room to rent, I lost track of them, but think this one's no. 6, can't wait to get to no. 13, my lucky number.

- last night I was at the AIESEC elections, we elected a new LCP, and then a brand new board!!(well, not entirelly new, some of the old VPs kept their position). Hope they will do a great job at AIESEC CBS. Have no pics, forgot my camera at home.

- said goodbye to Gabi, my Romanian friend from here, she's leaving to continue her master's degree in Amsterdam, and will be missing her a lot.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Keywords - not in Chronological Order

- sleepy, smiling, taking the train in the wrong way, learning how to read maps, pronouncing the train stations in Danish, turists, people talking to me in Danish, strong wind

- raining, gray sky, did laundry, ironed shirts
- beach, sand, no waves, noisy children, clear sky
- rain again
- botanical garden, rain, cool, umbrellas, people, blond kids, green house, tropical, wet, hot
- taxes, doctor, pension adviser, danish registration number, rent
- cleaning up my room, waiting for a free pass for Tivoli

- frederiksborg castle, royal family portraits, big garden, napping under an apple tree, old paintings, modern art, water, other aiesec interns

- rain, shopping, jeans, all day long, nail paint
- work, read, installing stuff, have a menthor, try stuff
- plans, looking for a new apartment, phone calls, buying furniture maybe
- movie in open air, festival, red sky, rained again, wet socks
- ducks!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

In København

So I finally have some time to write about what I'm doing lately.
Yes, I'm in Copenhagen since Friday afternoon. After a nice trip by buss and ferry from Luebeck, Germany, which lasted 5 hours, but actually felt like 2, I got to the Copenhagen Central Station. Good thing my buss station was close to it, so that I could take my luggage and go to an exchange office to get some DKK, in order to make a phone call from a public phone. And yes, forgot to tell you, nobody was expecting me then any more, because I arrived 3 hours later than expected (wasn't my fault, the trafiic was bad :)))
10 minutes after calling Michael, the LCP from Copanhagen CBS, we met in front of a McDonald's, and then headed
directly to my appartment.
There I had a great surprise to find out that I don't have a room of myself yet. I'm actually still sleeping in the couch, but hopefully not for long time. Good thing the sofa is long enough, so that I can fit on it.
Another funny thing is the light here, the sun sets much later than 10 pm and rises at 4 am, that's really bad for me, since the landlord of the apartment didn't buy yet any blinds to my room. That's why for the last few days I wasn't sleeping more than 5 hours out of 24. Well, at least I have some more time for that until I start working next Friday.
Danish is a very difficut language for me. So far I can say "hej"="hello", "hej hej"="goodbye", "tak"="thank you", and I'm very proud of myself. I'm not expecting to learn too much in a year, especially because at work I will be speaking in English, but also because here almost every dane speaks excellent English ( - I know it because I always stop people on the street to ask for directions when I get lost). But it would be a pitty to leave from here in a year without knowing at leat the basic things about the language, so I will try to make the best of my stay.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ready to Go!

Excited about the places I will see, about the language I hope I will learn at least just a bit, but most of all about the people I will meet.
So, what more to say..?
... except for see you in Copenhagen in a few days!

Saying Goodbye

No posting activity lately, the last few days were dedicated to goodbyes.. Well, mostly farewells to those I'm leaving here, once I'll go to Denmark for one year. Anyway, I had happy goodbyes, funny goodbyes, cool goodbyes, formal goodbyes, even cold ones, all types of goodbyes, except for pathetic wheeping goodbyes I was affraid to put up with. And I'm so happy about this!!
Lots of going outs, plans for the future (career, friends, meetings, holydays), dreaming, celebrating..
Thank you Elena for making time to meet me on Friday, I had a wonderful time (or was it Thursday? I don't remember too good, the time went by so fast).
In the weekend I finally met Anca, Corina and Gabi - Gabi, thank you for the pictures :))
Last night was the bye bye party with the AIESEC people from Ploiesti, from which I have received some gifts that will help me remember about them and about Romania :)). We weren't too many, maybe about 10, consisting mainly of the current board members, but it was fun seeing them again, and remembering about my last AIESEC conference with them.

Monday, July 14, 2008


For about 2 years now I've been part of AIESEC Ploiesti, in Romania. Actually, AIESEC is much wider, just take a look here....

And if you've watched the video above, by now you should know that AIESEC, the world's largest student organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society.
And yes, through AIESEC you can also live wonderful exchange experiences, like I'm about to in Denmark, where I will soon meet the members of AIESEC Copenhagen Business School!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy :))

Yesterday I had my final exams, which consisted in presenting the VOX project and answering some questions related to computer engineering. Everything went great, so now I can finally call myself a computer engineer! Isn't that great? :D

So, after celebrating this last night with my colleagues, I'm now trying to put myself together and start planning for the trip to Copenhagen, which by-the-way, will be in not less than 18 days. Lots of things to prepare, places to see, and especially people to say goodbye to.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


My latest hobby: sleeping.
2 days until I'll become an engineer.
3 weeks until I leave Romania.
And yesssss, in 2 days I'll be presenting my final project!!!
Wish me luck :)

Monday, June 23, 2008


VOX - This is the name of the final project I'm developing for my diploma.
It's a text-to-speech application for Romanian. The main idea behind it: it produces artificial speech by concatenating prerecorded syllables. It's almost working (provided I have all the necessary syllables prerecorded for a given text), I only need to make the program "read" numbers, too.
Less than one week to do this, finish the written documentation , and find the inspiration for a convincing presentation :)) And a bit more than a week until it will all be over and I'll finally be enjoying my summer!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Big News

I'm not sure this could still be called big news.. because I think that until now most of my friends already know about it (important: if you're reading this and so far I haven't told you about what happened, or what is going to, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're not my friend!! :D)

Anyway, to make it short: since August the 1st I'll be starting my first job ever!! - which is actually an internship, and seems to be a great one: at Microsoft Development Center in Copenhagen.
And the biggest thing is that I'll be living in Copenhagen for 1 year!! Can't wait for it.
O.K., now that I've said(written) it, doesn't sound(look) like a big thing anymore. But I'm still happy.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm back!!

Hi, it's been a long time since my last time here.
The truth is that I'm not at all a lazy person, and that my life is very far from being boring (OK, this is only my personal opinion, some people may think otherwise). And not that I have secrets or I find it hard to share my experiences with you all..
Anyway, my point is that it is kind of hard writing daily things about my life in a blog, instead of just living my life - especially because I don't have a lot of readers here so far, and also because I use other methods for staying in touch with my friends - like actually meeting them(yes!!!), phone calls, instant messengers, e-mails bla bla bla.
That was until recently, when I got some great news about something that will surely change the way I let my friends know what's been up with me recently.
Don't want to spoil the surprise, so I can only promise I'll get back to this soon.
Until then, just want to say that I'm so happy and grateful for what I have and that I'll be back!
See you soon :)