I'm lazy.. Autumn's here.
I've been vaccinated against flue, I'm eating all the right stuff, even take my vitamins, sleep about 8 hours a day.. but stopped running.. which is bad. Probably this is why I feel so lazy. I haven't got to the point when I can say I'm sick of myself, but I'm not too far from it either. So starting from tomorrow, I'll get a pass at FirstFitness.dk.. that should be fun.
Here's darker and darker.. The sun rises completely at about 8 am and starts setting at around 16:30 pm.. but even this is hard to notice, usually the sky is too cloudy and gray to see where the sun is. During week I don't care a lot about this, I leave home when it's almost dark, and come back on dark, also. At the office time passes by very fast, I barely have time to look through the window. Sometimes, if it's clear, I get blinded by the sun, but I'm not complaining too much, I'm just happy that I can see it. About the darkness, I just like to think that the day is the same as before in length, only the night got longer, as a kind of bonus for me :)).. so now my day is 30 hours long. It's a bit harder in the weekends, when I can actually count the hours and see how little light I get. Usually at 5 pm I get very sleepy.
And I'm not complaining about the rain either. After all, it's only water, can't be that bad :p
What else? My picasa account is almost 100% full, so I will need to create a new one.. Will upload some pics as soon as I stop being lazy.