Easter was almost a week ago, but I still feel like I'm on holidays.
Of course that there are the usual reasons - mostly religious - or related to the fact that most people have a few days away from work.
Here are my personal reasons why this Easter was special:
- I was home - Such a small detail, I never gave it too much importance. Not until last year when I was coming back to Denmark, after 2 vacation weeks spent in Romania, right before the Easter Sunday.. that was sad, being alone in the airport, waving to my mom, so close but yet so far way, going to Denmark, where they already had Easter a week before (the Protestant one).. but this time I got to spend the day with my family at home.
- The Greek Orthodox Easter was on the same day as the Catholic and Protestant Easter. Not to many non-orthodox people in the area I'm living in, but still, it gave me the feeling of a more global-christian reason of joy :) This is a rare event, it only happens once in a few years.
- It was on the same day as my birthday - what a coincidence, huh? Couldn't hope for a better present!
- Weather in Romania was wonderful - we went to visit our grandparents and had our first family lunch out in the yard (first one, this year, I mean). Plus a long walk through the woods nearby. Pictures here.
- One thing I DO HATE about Easter, didn't happen this time.
I'm speaking about those pathetic messages people usually send at midnight(when Jesus resurrected) to all the persons in their address book. At least this is how the 'tradition' goes like in Romania. I used to get them from people that I only met once, and somehow got to exchange numbers, from ex-classmates that usually don't call me at all during year, or from people that from some objective reason I periodically meet, but somehow they don't inspire very positive and Christian feelings (you see, I tried to put it in a nice way).
Of course, totally unpersonalized messages, speaking about the Easter bunny (it's the real spirit of Easter, according to some people), presents such as Ferrari cars (the best way to show our love to our friends and family, according to the same people from before), chocolate bunnies (eating them is the best way to feel loved, in case you're alone on Easter - this is what I heard). Of course, the best ones are those combining the upper themes with things such as crucification, light, faith, Jesus Christ, God, sacrifice, etc.. and the list of blasphemies could continue.. :D
And if someone's feeling uninspired (just as me today), here in Romania we even have specialized websites where you can find them ready-made. Just take care that your friends don't use the same ones, then you're in trouble!! Or not, if you're not like me and you don't care that much about what you say, to whom you say, bla-bla-bla...
Well, this year I got none of these. I only got in return (and sent) normal messages, emails and phone calls, personalized, warm, and decent.. Thank you all!
Just curious, is it because customs changed in Romania while I was away, or maybe because meanwhile I have been deleted from a few address books? And if the customs changed, what's the new fashion like nowadays?