Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Welcome 2010!

Speaking from my own point of view (that translates as "from my own bubble", not taking into consideration the economical situation, the wars etc..), it was a great year!

Somebody recently wished me to have "a better year" in 2010. Now I admit, it can be just a cliché, people say it without even thinking sometimes, still, it made me think. What am I missing? And what more can I ask for? Does it even matter?

Spent my whole 2009 in Denmark and travelling around, meeting so many people, still always having to say goodbye to someone, going out, parties, fun parks, different gatherings (my facebook pics are a proof of that), trying to fit in among the brilliant people at MDCC, struggling to keep some kind of diet, and wondering about my future. Looking back at these, indeed, it was a great year. I don’t know if the greatest of all, but one thing I know for sure: I enjoyed every moment. I admit, I had my bad times as well, but then again, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” – if I’m allowed to use another cliché.

So no, I don't want to have a greater year for myself, I want my 2010 to be just as great as my 2009, but still, somehow different: I need to make even happier and prouder all those people who stood by me so far. And for that I will need to change myself :D

Thank you all for everything!
and see you next year:)

(thanks Bogdan for the picture:))

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